During this tough economy you want to bring in money that will help supplement your income from your day job. The internet is the best place to do that, but you can also do jobs during the weekend when you are not working. If you are good at something then you should take that and run with it. If you are good at fixing computers then start a weekend repair business. If you can get enough clients then you can live with out worrying that you can’t pay for your morgage or stuff like that. I am just saying take what you are passionate about and run with it.
I have done computer work on the side and it has been great to get extra money so that I can go out with my friends or buy somethong that I want. I read at story in my local paper about people starting up their own business during this rough economy. One guy is starting a popper scopper business. Another lady is starting a design business where she paints her own pictures and then try to sell them to business or people trying to furnish their homes. There are also tones of different ways to make money online. You just need to find the way. Hopefully I sparked something that will help you earn extra money.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
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