Sunday, November 22, 2009

Origin of Information Processing

There is so much information today for a business enterprise so that any company that does not use any information processing technology will surely find itself in a pathetic situation. In a company’s information flow structure, more amount of information is drawn towards the company and within departments, while only limited information is given out to the world. Most of the information that is circulated within the company is collected, analyzed and then only processed/used. In earlier days the information processing used huge amount of paper and a very large work-force. Both these factors favor towards loss, and nearly 45 years ago, a revolution occurred in information processing when the computers were introduced. In earlier days, calculating salary of employees of a company could itself take one month (provided all employees are involved in it) this form of action led olden days information processing. In the 1950s, computer and its related technology came to the aid of man-kind and using these technologies information processing was split into different segments or sections, which made information processing quite easier.

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